Compensation negotiation among women in the workplace

Studies have shown that women are less likely to take the most direct approach to ensure that they receive fair pay compared to their male counterparts – simply asking. So what happens when women begin to negotiate for ...

College students and credit card debt—parents at fault?

Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Carolina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about ...

Futuristic wall display shows real-time energy usage

( -- There's more to the home energy conservation system designed by Queensland University of Technology industrial design graduate Erica Pozzey than meets the eye.

In job market, social contacts help men, not women

When it comes to finding a job, who you know is as important as what you know. Work experience generally helps people foster the kinds of personal contacts that can lead someone to new career opportunities, but a study from ...

Digital forensic examiners face stress, role-conflict

Despite playing an increasingly vital role in criminal investigations, digital forensic examiners face staffing cuts, heavy caseloads and stress within police departments that may not fully understand their responsibilities, ...

Investing in kids' future pays off

( -- When parents set up long-term savings accounts for college, business start-ups or home ownership, kids feel more financially and emotionally secure, new research shows

Impact of information technology on workers' prosperity

Recent research results published in "The Economic Effect of Education in an Information Technology-Penetrating Economy: Evidence From Hong Kong" reflect the impact of education on economic well being in a technological society. ...

Research sheds light on new employees

( -- Starting a new job is never easy. However, research by Victoria University graduate Dr Sarah Burke shows that not only does an organisation need to help new employees assimilate into the environment, but ...

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