Having two jobs is great for employers, but family life suffers

People who hold two jobs demonstrate as much engagement and performance in the workplace as their colleagues who have one job. However, dual job holders are likely to sacrifice family and personal time as a result. These ...

Unpaid work experience rife in Australia – report

Unpaid work experience is widespread in Australia, with more than half of young adults having undertaken an unpaid placement, according to research conducted for the Federal Government's Department of Employment.

Study sheds light on factors affecting employees' commitment

As it becomes increasingly common for older workers to report to younger supervisors, a new study from the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas examined how disparities in experience and education influence subordinates' ...

Retaining military veteran employees is all about the right fit

It's a difficult career transition that can lead to more professional frustration and shorter tenure on the job for many of the newest generation of veterans employed with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) compared ...

Both employees and companies benefit from flexible wage systems

Research from the University of Copenhagen has revealed the effects of a decade of decentralised wage negotiations in the private sector. In an article in the Journal of Labor Economics, researchers conclude that wages have ...

Women active in feminist causes harassed more at work

Working women who engage in feminist activism report more experiences of gender harassment on the job, regardless of whether or not they identify themselves as feminists, a new University of Michigan study indicates.

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