SAS pilot strike strands 72,000 passengers

Pilots at Scandinavian carrier SAS walked off the job in Sweden, Denmark and Norway on Friday, stranding more than 72,000 travellers as 673 flights were cancelled, the airline said.

Why the 'perfect' office temperature is a myth

It might be blisteringly hot outside, but if you work in an office building, the chances are it's always reassuringly cool (or cold, depending on your preference) once you walk inside.

Spanish Amazon workers in 'Black Friday' strike

Workers at Amazon's biggest logistics centre in Spain went on strike on the day of the online retailer's "Black Friday" sales bonanza, a union and the company said.

Employers step in to prevent worker burnout

Volkswagen turns off some employees' email 30 minutes after their shifts end. Goldman Sachs is urging junior staff to take weekends off. BMW is planning new rules that will keep workers from being contacted after hours.

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