Related topics: women ยท pregnancy

Pickled fetus found inside ancient Egyptian mummy

A team of researchers working on the Warsaw Mummy Project studying the Egyptian "Mysterious Lady" mummy has determined how a fetus was preserved in her womb for more than 2,000 years. The team discovered the fetus last summer ...

Dolphins have ability to sense electrical signals

In a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers reveal the discovery of how the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, is able to sense electric fields of prey in the water using structures found ...

'Miracle' baby elephant cheats death in birth

A baby elephant believed to have died during a nine-day labour was born alive at an Australian zoo on Wednesday, amazing its keepers and defying expert opinion that such an outcome would take a "miracle".

Rewinding development: A step forward for stem cell research

Scientists at the Danish Stem Cell Center, DanStem, at the University of Copenhagen have discovered that they can make embryonic stem cells regress to a stage of development where they are able to make placenta cells as well ...

Japan experts to OK animal-human embryos test: reports (Update)

Proposed experiments with animal-human embryos cleared the first regulatory hurdle Tuesday, reports said, as Japanese scientists seek permission for tests that could see human organs produced inside the growing body of an ...

Length of pregnancy influenced by placenta structure

The nine-month pregnancy in humans is influenced by the structure of the placenta, according to new research into the evolution of reproduction in mammals which ends a 100-year mystery.

Developing fetuses react to face-like shapes from the womb

It's well known that young babies are more interested in faces than other objects. Now, researchers reporting in Current Biology on June 8 have the first evidence that this preference for faces develops in the womb. By projecting ...

Miracle baby elephant makes public debut

A baby elephant thought to have died in the womb made its first public appearance at Sydney's Taronga Zoo on Sunday, amid predictions it will make a full recovery from its arduous birth.

Sex discrimination begins in the womb

Women in India are more likely to get prenatal care when pregnant with boys, according to groundbreaking research that has implications for girls' health and survival.