Why jackals thrive where humans dominate

As humans put nature under the plow, asphalt, and concrete, some creatures thrive through an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach, embracing our disruption of the natural order, and rushing to fill the void created by ...

Judge upholds protection for gray wolves in California

A California judge on Monday upheld protection for gray wolves under the state's Endangered Species Act, rejecting a legal challenge from ranchers and farmers who fear the predators will threaten their livestock.

GPS study shows wolves more reliant on a cattle diet

Cattle ranchers in southwestern Alberta have suspected it for a long time and now, GPS tracking equipment confirms it: wolf packs in the area are making cow meat a substantial part of their diets.

Environmental groups withdraw from Oregon wolf plan talks

Environmental groups in Oregon announced Monday they have withdrawn from talks on how to manage the state's rebounding wolf population because of what they called a "broken" process, and concerns that state wildlife officials ...

Angering activists, Norway says to kill wolves

Norway was accused of authorising the "mass slaughter" of its endangered wolf population on Friday after announcing that 47 of the predators would be killed by hunters.

Wolves return to Warsaw area after decades

Wolves have returned to a large national park on the northern outskirts of Warsaw, decades after they were wiped out in the area under a hunt launched by the communist authorities.

Swedish court gives green light to wolf hunters

Swedish hunters were given the go-ahead Thursday to shoot 36 wolves this winter as animal activists suffer a setback on one of the country's most divisive environmental issues.

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