NOAA tracks winter journeys of seals and penguins in Antarctica

Scientists from NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center placed 61 satellite tags on fur seals, leopard seals, Weddell seals, chinstrap penguins and gentoo penguins that will allow researchers and the public to track the ...

An Olympic Forecast

The Vancouver Winter Olympics will not only challenge world-class athletes, but also a team of almost 100 meteorologists and atmospheric scientists tasked to provide the weather forecasts that keep the events safe and fair ...

Hard Winter Wheat Varieties Released

( -- The first hard winter wheat varieties bred and developed for production in the eastern United States have been released by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

Chasing thundersnow could lead to more accurate forecasts

( -- The job of one University of Missouri researcher could chill to the bone, but his research could make weather predicting more accurate. Patrick Market, associate professor of atmospheric science in the College ...

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