Related topics: climate change

Observations of climate change from indigenous Alaskans

Personal interviews with Alaska Natives in the Yukon River Basin provide unique insights on climate change and its impacts, helping develop adaptation strategies for these local communities.

Heaven on Earth melting away

On a November evening, with the spring sun in northern Antarctica slowly setting about 11 p.m., the view from the top of the Marr Ice Piedmont - a glacier nearly 40 miles long by 20 miles wide - was all ice and sky. ...

Shrinking instead of growing: How shrews survive the winter

Common shrews have one of the highest metabolic rates among mammals. They must therefore consume a considerable amount of energy for their relatively low body weight. Because their fat reserves are quickly used up, they often ...

Tree die-off triggered by hotter temperatures

A team of scientists, led by researchers at Carnegie's Department of Global Ecology, has determined that the recent widespread die-off of Colorado trembling aspen trees is a direct result of decreased precipitation exacerbated ...

Pennsylvania snowshoe hares differ from those in Yukon

Snowshoe hares in Pennsylvania—at the southern end of the species' range—show adaptations in fur color and characteristics, behavior and metabolism, to enable them to survive in less wintry conditions than their far northern ...

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