Changing the way we fly

An airplane roaring down the runway and into the air is a familiar sight to most travellers today. In fact, this image has not changed much in 50 years. While significant advances have been made in terms of fuel economy, ...

Decoys could blunt spread of ash-killing beetles

As the emerald ash borer ravages North American ash trees, threatening the trees' very survival, a team of entomologists and engineers may have found a way to prevent the spread of the pests.

Team identifies new 'social' chromosome in the red fire ant

Researchers have discovered a social chromosome in the highly invasive fire ant that helps to explain why some colonies allow for more than one queen ant, and could offer new solutions for dealing with this pest.

Scientists mimic fireflies to make brighter LEDs

The nighttime twinkling of fireflies has inspired scientists to modify a light-emitting diode (LED) so it is more than one and a half times as efficient as the original. Researchers from Belgium, France, and Canada studied ...

NASA investigates use of 'trailblazing' material for new sensors

Tiny sensors—made of a potentially trailblazing material just one atom thick and heralded as the "next best thing" since the invention of silicon—are now being developed to detect trace elements in Earth's upper atmosphere ...

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