Related topics: iphone

Microsoft to offer early look at next Windows

Microsoft plans to offer a glimpse of its vision for Windows this week, as its new CEO seeks to redefine the company and recover from missteps with its flagship operating system.

Microsoft unveils Windows 8 for consumer testing (Update)

Microsoft on Wednesday let consumers start trying out its upcoming touch-based Windows 8 operating system, which aims to power a new wave of computer tablets and traditional PCs designed to counter Apple's big gains in the ...

Hopes high for Microsoft's new smartphone platform

Microsoft took the wraps off of its Windows Phone 7 line of smartphones Monday, beginning a push that the software giant hopes will maintain its relevance in an increasingly mobile world.

Google notebooks challenge Microsoft

Notebook computers powered by Google software are heading to market in a direct assault on the Windows operating system at the heart of Microsoft's technology empire.

Microsoft launches Windows Phone 7 platform in Asia

Microsoft on Tuesday launched its new mobile phone operating platform in key Asia-Pacific countries as part of a campaign to catch up with rivals in the lucrative smartphone market.

Android smartphones rise as iPhone slips, IDC finds

Smartphones powered by Google's Android software increased their global market share as iPhones lost ground in the absence of new models being unleashed by Apple, the International Data Corporation reported Wednesday.

Rumor: Microsoft to possibly release a Windows 8 tablet

( -- Rumors are circulating around that Microsoft may be bringing a Windows 8 tablet to consumers in 2012. Reporters over at Digitimes have been theorizing, based on information from a chip-supplier, that the ...

Windows 'Blue' set to preview June 26

The tweaked version of Microsoft's operating system nicknamed Windows Blue will be previewed on June 26 and will be a free update for users as Windows 8.1, the company said Tuesday.

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