Microsoft launches Windows 7 (Update)

Microsoft's much-heralded Windows 7 went on sale around the world Thursday as the US software giant seeks to reboot after the disappointment of its previous generation operating system Vista.

With Windows 7 and new designs, PCs looking better

(AP) -- Although no one waits in long lines for a new edition of Windows software anymore, the debut of Microsoft's latest operating system is part of why buying a PC is starting to feel fun for the first time in years.

Windows 7 to salvage Vista 'train wreck'

Microsoft releases Windows 7 to the world on Thursday as the US software giant tries to regain its stride after an embarrassing stumble with the previous generation operating system Vista.

How Microsoft plans to hook users on Windows 7

While the Europeans haggle over the Windows 7 browser scheme, everyone else may want to look at other creative ways Microsoft's new operating system will advance its business.

Review: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade

(AP) -- Next week, Microsoft is releasing Windows 7, a slick, much improved operating system that should go a long way toward erasing the bad impression left by its previous effort, Vista.

Upgrade to Windows 7? It all depends...

With Windows 7 scheduled for release Oct. 22, the question many readers will be asking is, "Should I upgrade?" The answer depends on your circumstances.

Microsoft video gets a little too much attention

(AP) -- You almost have to feel bad for Microsoft. The software maker isn't known for hip marketing tactics, and now that a Windows 7 video has hit it big online, people are laughing at the company, not with it.

Microsoft to ship IE with Windows 7 in Europe

Microsoft said it would not separate its Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser from versions of Windows 7 shipped to the European Union when the new operating system launches worldwide in October.

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