Australia's Byron Bay beach shrinks as sand disappears

Australia's Byron Bay usually conjures images of bathers lounging on sunkissed shores, or blissed-out longboarders cruising along cyan-blue waves—but coastal erosion and lashing storms have reduced its seashore to a debris-strewn ...

Biological crusts affected by drought can still stabilize soils

Biological soil crusts are communities of cyanobacteria, fungi, lichens, and other living organisms that can bind grains together and reduce the susceptibility of soils to erosion by water or wind. Crusts dominated by cyanobacteria, ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Haikui closing in on China

Tropical Storm Haikui is headed for landfall in southeastern China, and NASA's Aqua satellite caught a stunning image of its size and its ragged, but wide eye when it was a typhoon earlier today, August 7. As a result of ...

Were martian rocks weathered by water?

There are many ways rocks can be textured. Wind erosion, water erosion, the escape of volcanic gases during their formation (in the case of igneous rocks)… all these forces can create the pitted textures found on many ...

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