New energy in search for future wind

Scientists are taking the first steps to improve estimates of long-term wind speed changes for the fast-growing wind energy sector, intended to reduce the risks for generators in a changing climate.

Powering wind energy with superconductivity

Energy prices and environmental concerns are driving the United States to rethink its energy mix and to develop domestic sources of clean, renewable energy.

BMW to power Leipzig factory by wind energy

German auto giant BMW plans to build four wind turbines to power a factory with enough electricity to assemble hundreds of vehicles a day, auto newspaper Automobilwoche will report on Monday.

German port's future blowing in the wind

The small German port of Cuxhaven is betting its future on North Sea wind, promoting itself as a base for new offshore wind farms as the country embarks on a bid to scrap nuclear power.

Group responds to potential NW wind power shutdown

(AP) -- Wind power companies facing a springtime shutdown to accommodate a surge of hydropower in the Northwest said Tuesday the region's main power manager has a conflict of interest, using authority over transmission lines ...

Northwest power surplus may halt wind energy

(AP) -- The manager of most of the electricity in the Pacific Northwest is running such a surplus of power from hydroelectric dams that it put wind farms on notice Friday that they may be shut down as early as this weekend.

'Smart' power grid needed for electric vehicles

( -- While an upcoming Electric Vehicle Grand Prix may reflect a growing popularity of electric vehicles, their widespread adoption will require innovations to the power grid, say researchers at Purdue University.

The way has been cleared for mega wind turbines of 20 MW

The present largest wind turbines have a capacity of 5-6 MW. Following five years of research at the joint European project UpWind, led by Risoe National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, the Technical University of Denmark ...

Wind power in Spain reaches historic high

Wind power became Spain's main source of electricity for the first time ever this month, in a country renowned for its focus on renewable energy, the power-generating authority REE said Thursday.

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