New Study Sheds Light on U.S. Wind Power Market

( -- The U.S. was one of the fastest-growing wind power markets in the world in 2009, second only to China, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Energy and prepared by Lawrence Berkeley ...

Advocates press Congress on renewable energy standard

Renewable energy advocates are pushing Congress to include a renewable electricity standard in a climate bill that was proposed Tuesday in the Senate, and the idea got a boost this week when 27 Democrats and a Republican ...

RWE, Siemens unveil plans for giant Welsh wind farm

The German power company RWE and industrial group Siemens unveiled on Friday a joint venture to build a giant British offshore wind farm worth more than two billion euros (2.4 billion dollars).

Energy answer: Blowing in the wind?

( -- When the federal government approved the Cape Wind project in April, allowing 130 power-generating turbines to be placed in the waters off Cape Cod, it gave a significant boost to the prospects of wind energy. ...

Storing green electricity as natural gas

Renewable electricity can be transformed into a substitute for natural gas. Until now, electricity was generated from gas. Now, a German-Austrian cooperation wants to go in the opposite direction. In the future, these researchers ...

Wind-power set to continue rapid growth, group says

The nation's wind-power industry showed record growth in 2009 and could see dramatic expansion if there was a national "renewable electricity standard," the American Wind Energy Association said in a report released Thursday.

A smart way to charge up

( -- Electromobility makes sense only if car batteries are charged using electricity from renewable energy sources. But the supply of green electricity is not always adequate. An intelligent charging station can ...

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