New Study Sheds Light on U.S. Wind Power Market

( -- The U.S. was one of the fastest-growing wind power markets in the world in 2009, second only to China, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Energy and prepared by Lawrence Berkeley ...

Advocates press Congress on renewable energy standard

Renewable energy advocates are pushing Congress to include a renewable electricity standard in a climate bill that was proposed Tuesday in the Senate, and the idea got a boost this week when 27 Democrats and a Republican ...

RWE, Siemens unveil plans for giant Welsh wind farm

The German power company RWE and industrial group Siemens unveiled on Friday a joint venture to build a giant British offshore wind farm worth more than two billion euros (2.4 billion dollars).

Energy answer: Blowing in the wind?

( -- When the federal government approved the Cape Wind project in April, allowing 130 power-generating turbines to be placed in the waters off Cape Cod, it gave a significant boost to the prospects of wind energy. ...

Storing green electricity as natural gas

Renewable electricity can be transformed into a substitute for natural gas. Until now, electricity was generated from gas. Now, a German-Austrian cooperation wants to go in the opposite direction. In the future, these researchers ...

Wind-power set to continue rapid growth, group says

The nation's wind-power industry showed record growth in 2009 and could see dramatic expansion if there was a national "renewable electricity standard," the American Wind Energy Association said in a report released Thursday.

Intelligent networking of wind farms

The EU member states have passed a resolution requiring one fifth of their electricity needs to be derived from renewable energy sources by 2020, with wind farms covering a large part of this requirement. Researchers have ...

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