Related topics: coral reefs · conservationists

Camera trap survey snaps cheetahs in Algeria

A Wildlife Conservation Society-supported survey of the Sahara has captured the first camera-trap photographs of the critically endangered Saharan cheetah in Algeria. The survey was conducted by researchers from the Zoological ...

Mass die-off of Magellanic penguins seen during 2019 heat wave

In June 2021, an unprecedented heat wave hit the Pacific Northwest and Canada, killing an estimated 1,400 people. On June 28, Seattle reached 108 F—an all-time high—while the village of Lytton in British Columbia recorded ...

Warming Arctic climate constrains life in cold-adapted mammals

Despite the growth in knowledge about the effects of a warming Arctic on its cold-adapted species, how these changes affect animal populations is poorly understood. Research efforts have been hindered by the area's remoteness ...

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