Preventing pandemics by leaving bats undisturbed

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly subsides, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) experts and colleagues from the Wildlife Conservation Society have partnered on a new analysis in The Lancet Planetary Health ...

Study provides framework for assessing emotions in wild animals

A world-first holistic framework for assessing the mental and psychological well-being of wild animals has been developed by UTS Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Andrea Harvey, a veterinarian and animal welfare ...

New method to thaw frozen frog sperm produces better swimmers

Scientists have uncovered a superior method of freezing and thawing frog sperm leading to improved sperm quality. Driven by mass declines of frogs worldwide, research into cryopreservation of amphibian sperm has expanded ...

Finding a bioindicator for the occurrence of PFAS

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are considered to be forever chemicals. Many are toxic; others are highly mobile or accumulate in the food chain. However, all are extremely persistent and are spread throughout ...

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