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Nintendo DSi users get to share pictures on Facebook

Nintendo said Monday that it is updating DSi software to allow users to upload pictures from the camera-equipped handheld videogame devices to hot social-networking website Facebook.

Hulu shows heading for Nintendo Wii and 3DS

Nintendo said Friday that online video service Hulu Plus will stream movies and television shows to Wii and 3DS videogame systems by the end of the year.

Game consoles here to stay despite smartphone onslaught

Games on tablets and smartphones are better, faster and more varied than ever, but the excitement surrounding the upcoming PlayStation 4—expected to attract big crowds at this week's Tokyo Game Show—proves consoles are ...

Yen fall returns Nintendo to profit (Update)

Nintendo is making money again courtesy of a weaker yen but its business selling game machines is ailing, with sales of its flagship Wii U console still lackluster.

Nine gaming predictions for 2010

The end of the year offers a chance to look back on all that's come and gone in the past 12 months. It also offers a chance to use that knowledge of the past to bet on the outcome of the next 12 months for fun and profit.

Robot takes on battle of the bulge

Imagine something between a computer game and a pet that helps makes you slim. One inventor did just that and came up with Autom -- a robot that will look dieters in the eye and tell them what they need to hear.

Wii U: New console launches in a sea of gadgets

In the six years since the last major video game system launched, Apple unveiled the iPhone and the iPad, "Angry Birds" invaded smartphones and Facebook reached a billion users. In the process, scores of video game consoles ...

Nintendo looks to restore magic with 3D console

Nintendo on Friday brushed off suggestions its magic may be fading despite declining sales of its Wii console, as it prepares to unveil a handheld 3D device it hopes will drive a new gaming revolution.

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