Related topics: wii

Game Review: 'Wii Fit Plus'

Making exercise less boring. For millions of gamers, this was the promise of the original "Wii Fit."

Review: 'Wii Fit U,' 'Xbox Fitness' feel the burn

While video game consoles can't help users save money or stop smoking—yet, anyway—there are a few recently released games that can help with the most popular of New Year's resolutions: exercise. Here's a look at four ...

Review: 'Nike+ Kinect,' 'Your Shape' sweat it out

It's that time of the year when the line for an elliptical machine at your local gym stretches a bit longer thanks to freshly motivated folks who've resolved to start 2013 by shedding pounds and shaping up. Why wait to work ...

Robot takes on battle of the bulge

Imagine something between a computer game and a pet that helps makes you slim. One inventor did just that and came up with Autom -- a robot that will look dieters in the eye and tell them what they need to hear.

Holidays key test for Nintendo as Wii U struggles

This holiday season Nintendo faces a critical test with its Wii U video game console that is pitted against Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One as it seeks to revive flagging sales.

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