Why are the elderly increasingly more inclined to live alone?

For decades, the elderly in Spain have shown a preference for living at home, either alone or with their partners, instead of sharing a home with relatives of other generations. A study by the University of Granada delves ...

Why we should bother saving Britain's only venomous snake

The adder, Vipera berus, was one of the first venomous snakes formally named by Linnaeus in 1758. It is the most northerly occurring snake, and one of the most widely distributed species, found everywhere from the UK to Sakhalin ...

Virus carrying DNA of black widow spider toxin discovered

A tiny virus that may sting like a black widow spider. That is one of the surprise discoveries made by a pair of Vanderbilt biologists when they sequenced the genome of a virus that attacks Wolbachia, a bacterial parasite ...

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