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Obama to meet with lawmakers, intel leaders on NSA

President Barack Obama is inviting lawmakers and intelligence officials to the White House to discuss National Security Agency programs as Obama prepares to unveil what changes he's prepared to make to the programs.

Obama to meet tech chiefs on surveillance

US President Barack Obama will Tuesday meet bosses of tech giants including Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter to discuss US spy agency surveillance and his notorious health care reform website.

White House to keep NSA, cyber oversight together

A group reviewing the National Security Agency's surveillance programs and cyber command operations sent President Barack Obama more than 40 recommendations on intelligence collection and government spying.

Mixed reaction as US House passes patent reform

The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation Thursday aimed at curbing patent lawsuits, responding to industry complaints about a flood of frivolous litigation.

Obama: 'I'm not allowed an iPhone'

US President Barack Obama admitted Wednesday he was not allowed to have an iPhone owing to security fears—explaining why he is sometimes seen with a bulky super secure Blackberry.

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