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Obama to push for new cybersecurity legislation

President Barack Obama on Tuesday will renew his call for Congress to pass cybersecurity legislation, including a proposal that encourages companies to share threat information with the government and protects them from potential ...

US did not 'hack back' against North Korea

The U.S. government was not responsible for sustained electronic attacks that crippled North Korea's Internet infrastructure last month, just after President Barack Obama promised that his administration would respond to ...

As dust clears, what's next for Sony?

The Sony hacking attack continues to deliver more dramatic plotlines than any fictional movie, but meanwhile the movie studio must move forward and tackle the next steps in minimizing the mess. Will Sony eventually release ...

Sony tells AFP it still plans movie release

Sony Pictures boss Michael Lynton denied Friday the Hollywood studio has "caved" by canceling the release of "The Interview," and said it still hoped to release the controversial film.

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