Signaling molecule may regulate proteins in wheat plants

Triggers for food crop growth are complex and new research by South Australian plant scientists is investigating one way wheat responds to common stresses such as poor soil health.

Banana peels make sugar cookies better for you

Banana peels aren't always destined for the trash or compost anymore. They're making their way onto people's plates, replacing pork in "pulled peel" sandwiches and getting fried up into "bacon." And now, researchers reporting ...

Figuring out how wild wheat protects itself from insects

Wheat is a staple crop that provides 20% of the world population's caloric and human protein intake. Although wheat is essential for human and livestock diets, these plants are continuously preyed upon by insect herbivores ...

Genetically increasing wheat yield potential for food security

The disruptions in global trading markets resulting from the war in Ukraine, among other causes, have focused public attention on the issue of securing a sufficient supply of high-quality foods for the global population. ...

Global spread of powdery mildew through migration and trade

The worldwide distribution of one of the most important cereal pathogens is the result of human activity. Researchers at the University of Zurich have traced the history and spread of wheat powdery mildew along wheat trade ...

Earlier wheat planting will boost yields in eastern India

Adjusting the sowing dates for wheat in eastern India will increase untapped potential production by 69%, new research shows, helping to ensure food security and farm profitability as the planet warms.

Molecular basis of high nitrogen use efficiency of wheat cultivar

A research team led by Prof. Ling Hongqing from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with collaborators from Ludong University and the Computer Network ...

Researchers discover wheat yield-enhancing gene

Researchers led by Dr. Jiao Yuling from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with collaborators from Peking University, have found that gene editing of an APETALA2/ethylene ...

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