Savvy seed sorter separates good from bad

Fast, portable, and comparatively inexpensive, an improved seed-sorting machine developed by aU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist and an industry colleague is helping plant breeders and others separate the seeds ...

Sexual reproduction only second choice for powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most dreaded plant diseases: The parasitic fungus afflicts crops such as wheat and barley and is responsible for large harvest shortfalls every year. Beat Keller and Thomas Wicker, both plant ...

Resistance gene found against Ug99 wheat stem rust pathogen

The world's food supply got a little more plentiful thanks to a scientific breakthrough. Eduard Akhunov, associate professor of plant pathology at Kansas State University, and his colleague, Jorge Dubcovsky from the University ...

US probes genetically modified wheat discovery

The US Department of Agriculture is investigating the discovery of genetically engineered wheat in an Oregon field, as outcry mounted Friday among consumer groups and Japan suspended some US imports.

Plant biology advances rapidly to help feed the world

( —A series of new discoveries in plant cell biology will help to increase the supply of food and energy for our rapidly growing global population, according to 12 of the world's leading plant biologists.

Miniature probes help tackle climate change

Promising research on the use of miniature pressure probes to gauge the water status of wheat leaves could ultimately help farmers adapt to the effects of climate change. 

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