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Existing fiber optic cables can monitor whales

A new study demonstrates for the first time that the same undersea fiber optic cables used for internet and cable television can be repurposed to tune in to marine life at unprecedented scales, potentially transforming critical ...

US agency studies rare whale habitat expansion request

The U.S. government on Monday agreed to a request from environmental groups to study increasing critical habitat designations in Alaska waters for North Pacific right whales, one of the rarest whale species in the world.

Huge groups of fin whales sign of hope for ocean giants

For the first time since whaling was banned, dozens of southern fin whales have been filmed feasting together in a "thrilling" Antarctic spectacle, hailed by scientists Thursday as a sign of hope for the world's second largest ...

Fin whale populations rebound in Antarctic feeding grounds

Southern fin whales have been documented feeding in large numbers in ancestral feeding grounds in Antarctica for the first time since hunting was restricted in 1976. The paper, published in Scientific Reports, includes the ...

Eavesdropping on whales in the high Arctic

Whales are huge, but they live in an even larger environment—the world's oceans. Researchers use a range of tools to study their whereabouts, including satellite tracking, aerial surveys, sightings and deploying individual ...

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