Will world court ruling end Japan's whaling? (Update)

Japan's whaling in the Antarctic is at a crossroads after the International Court of Justice ordered the program stopped. The court concluded the supposed scientific research program is actually a guise for commercial whaling. ...

Taiwan seizes 820 kilograms of dolphin meat

Taiwan coastguards Thursday said they have arrested two people and seized 820 kilograms (1,800 pounds) of dolphin meat as the island steps up efforts to protect endangered animals.

Whale meat ship returns to Iceland

A shipment of 130 tonnes of fin whale meat has been sent back to Iceland, as jubilant animal rights activists on Sunday highlighted the "pointlessness" of the trade.

Japan blasts Australia over whaling ban campaign

Japan accused Australia Tuesday of seeking to impose its policy of zero tolerance on whaling in the Antarctic, and told the highest UN court that its own whaling activities were legitimate.

Australia to world court: Ban Japanese whaling

Japan's annual whale hunt is a commercial slaughter of marine mammals dressed up as science, Australian lawyers argued Wednesday as they urged the United Nations' highest court to ban the hunt in the waters around Antarctica.

Iceland to resume disputed fin whale hunt in June

Iceland plans to resume its disputed commercial fin whale hunt in June with a quota of at least 154 whales, the head of the only company that catches the giant mammals said Saturday.

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