Coastal wetlands are nature's flood defences

Coastal wetlands—such as salt marshes—provide even more flood protection than previously thought, reducing the risk to lives and homes in estuaries, a new study has revealed.

Mangrove forest study has takeaways for coastal communities

A new paper published by an East Carolina University researcher in the Department of Coastal Studies shines light on the effect human-made infrastructure and natural topography has on coastal wetlands after major storm events.

Study shows benefits of wetland restoration

Wetland restoration in the Wairarapa provides significant benefits to people and ecosystems, including contributing to a more stable climate, diminished flooding, and cleaner waterways, a Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University ...

Wellbeing benefits of wetlands

Australians love their beaches, and now a new study also confirms the broad appeal of other coastal assets such as tidal wetlands, nature trails and protected areas including bird and dolphin sanctuaries.

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