Video: Harvesting fresh water from fog

Researchers at MIT's School of Engineering, working with colleagues at the Pontificial University of Chile in Santiago, are harvesting potable water from the coastal fog that forms on the edge of one of the driest regions ...

Ocean winds keep Antarctica cold, Australia dry

New Australian National University-led research has explained why Antarctica is not warming as much as other continents, and why southern Australia is recording more droughts.

Study links California drought to global warming

While researchers have sometimes connected weather extremes to man-made global warming, usually it is not done in real time. Now a study is asserting a link between climate change and both the intensifying California drought ...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Bruce lose its eye

Tropical Cyclone Bruce's eye caught the eye of NASA's Aqua satellite when it passed overhead on December 21, but two days later, Bruce's eye appeared cloud-filled on satellite imagery.

NASA sees Super-typhoon Lekima ready to make the curve

Super-typhoon Lekima is poised to "make the curve" in the northwestern Pacific Ocean today. The storm's track is expected to shift from a northwesterly direction, and curve to northeasterly direction because it has started ...

Stronger winds explain puzzling growth of sea ice in Antarctica

( —Much attention is paid to melting sea ice in the Arctic. But less clear is the situation on the other side of the planet. Despite warmer air and oceans, there's more sea ice in Antarctica now than in the 1970s ...

Westerly winds and CO2 levels

The end of the last Ice Age was preceded by a gradual rise in atmospheric CO2. A new study supports the idea that a shift in the position, and increase in the intensity, of zonal westerly winds in the Southern hemisphere ...

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