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High-altitude weight loss may have an evolutionary advantage

Weight loss at high altitudes—something universally experienced by climbers and people who move to higher terrain—may not be a detrimental effect, but rather is likely an evolutionarily-programmed adaptation, according ...

Many pets are too plump

(HealthDay)—Much like their human companions, many of America's pets are overweight.

Smaller meals more times per day may curb obesity in cats

Just as with people, feline obesity is most often linked to excessive food intake or not enough physical activity. Attempts to cut back on calories alone often result in failed weight loss or weight regain in both people ...

Motion sensor: Increase your activity for a healthier lifestyle

People are increasingly leading a sedentary lifestyle that may lead to weight gain issues; efforts are being made across Europe to encourage people to become more active and as a result, healthier. Researchers at the Fraunhofer ...

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