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Microplastics stunt growth of worms: study

New research shows that the presence of microplastics can stunt the growth of earthworms, and even cause them to lose weight—potentially having a serious impact on the soil ecosystem.

Making it count: The power of round numbers

Round numbers can be powerful marketing tools, increasing people's sense of accomplishment as they work towards goals in areas like finances or weight loss, according to new Washington State University research.

Organic solar cells that last 10 years in space

Scientists from the Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology, the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, and the Department of Chemistry of MSU have presented solar cells based on conjugated polymers ...

Study finds nearly a third of cat owners use food puzzles

Cat food puzzles are exactly what they sound like. The puzzles can be any object that holds food and requires your feline friend to figure out how to get it. The puzzles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Food could be ...

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