Papuan weevil has screw-in legs

( -- New research has found that humans were not the first species to invent the nut and bolt mechanism for screwing one thing to another: weevils do the same to attach their legs to their bodies instead of using ...

Researchers discover secret of weevil diamond-like coat

( -- The diamond weevil (Entimus imperialis), also called sometimes as the Australian weevil, is a bug known throughout Australia as a pest, (another close relative resides in South America) as are most weevils ...

Five edible insects you really should try

Edible insects are great alternatives to conventional sources of meat as they're cheap, plentiful and excellent sources of protein and fat, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Discovery of red palm weevil in California

Scientists and growers met on campus Friday, Oct. 22, to address a potentially devastating new threat to California?s iconic palm trees: the red palm weevil.

Calling on natural defenses to turn back banana pandemic

In the 1950s, the "Gros Michel" variety of banana was wiped out by Panama disease. The banana crop in some locations was basically eliminated by the disease of fusarium wilt, caused by a pathogen that enters the plant through ...

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