Weevils no match for apple export industry

Good news for Pink Lady apple fans, as researchers have found a solution to eradicating weevils that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars for Western Australian apple exports.

Eating insects: Like them stir fried or curried?

On Sept. 23, the Clinton Global Initiative awarded the Hult Prize, worth $1 million, to a team of student entrepreneurs at McGill University, Canada. Mark Hoddle, the director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at ...

Five edible insects you really should try

Edible insects are great alternatives to conventional sources of meat as they're cheap, plentiful and excellent sources of protein and fat, as well as vitamins and minerals.

An old insect pest reemerges in organic orchards

The apple flea weevil, a sporadic insect pest in the early 1900s, has reemerged as a severe pest in organic apple orchards in Michigan, where outbreak population levels have been observed since 2008, and damage has resulted ...

Catching vine weevils with odors

Catching the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) is now possible with the identification of odours these weevils find attractive. Scientists of Plant Research International, part of Wageningen UR, discovered that vine weevils ...

No Mistaking this Bug with New Insect ID Technique

(PhysOrg.com) -- Misidentifying boll weevils caught in pheromone traps could be easier to avoid, thanks to a new DNA fingerprinting method devised by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their collaborators.

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