Pest preferences for cranberry cultivars determined

To determine whether insect herbivores have a feeding preference for certain cultivars of cranberry, researchers investigated the phenolic profiles in the foliage of two cranberry cultivars, then isolated and identified compounds ...

Discovery of red palm weevil in California

Scientists and growers met on campus Friday, Oct. 22, to address a potentially devastating new threat to California?s iconic palm trees: the red palm weevil.

Calling on natural defenses to turn back banana pandemic

In the 1950s, the "Gros Michel" variety of banana was wiped out by Panama disease. The banana crop in some locations was basically eliminated by the disease of fusarium wilt, caused by a pathogen that enters the plant through ...

Presence of devastating pest confirmed on Socotra Island

CABI scientist Dr. Arne Witt has led an international team of researchers who have confirmed for the first time the presence of the date pest red palm weevil on Socotra Island, Yemen, putting the livelihoods of residents ...

Growing organic rice for market niche not simple

A market niche for organic rice has a potential to yield premium prices for farmers, but it's more involved than simply planting the seed and forgetting it until harvest time.

New resource for managing the Mexican rice borer

A moth caterpillar called the Mexican rice borer (Eoreuma loftini) has taken a heavy toll on sugar cane and rice crops in Texas, and has moved into Louisiana, Florida, and other Gulf Coast states. Now a new article in the ...

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