Cover crop prevents weeds, protects soil

Organic farmers have to make hard choices between protecting soil from erosion and controlling weeds. For example, large-scale organic farming relies heavily on tillage. Tilling breaks up the soil to kill weeds and prepare ...

EPA proposes expanded use of new herbicide, Enlist Duo

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed more than doubling the number of states allowed to use a new version of a popular weed killer on genetically modified crops despite its earlier concerns.

Atrazine alternatives in sweet corn

Atrazine has been very good at killing weeds in corn fields for more than 50 years. But some of the properties that make it a successful herbicide, such as its persistence in the soil and ability to be transported in water, ...

Smoking out blackgrass seeds

Blackgrass is a problem weed in UK agriculture, but a new technique may help farmers to combat its resistance to herbicides. Application of a smoke particle solution called 'smokewater' has been found to cause blackgrass ...

New method developed for testing herbicide resistance in weeds

Herbicide-resistant weeds are becoming increasingly common in agricultural landscapes. Existing methods for confirming herbicide resistance require knowledge of the genes responsible for target-site resistance, but this information ...

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