Early-killed rye shows promise in edamame

With the rise of herbicide-resistant weeds in most grain and vegetable crops, farmers are looking for alternatives to herbicides to control weeds. Cover crops offer one potential weed management tool. Their use in specialty ...

How South Africa is keeping invasive famine weed at bay

The poisonous herb, Parthenium hysterophorus, is one of the world's most destructive invasive plants. It threatens biodiversity, national food security and human health. Native to parts of Central and South America (Gulf ...

Scientists suggest way to predict the behavior of invasive weeds

Is it possible to predict which nonnative plant species will become invasive weeds and when? According to research featured in the journal Invasive Plant Science and Management, the answer is "hopefully yes." And those predictions ...

Intra-row weeding possible with vision systems

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse horticulture, developed weeding machines which are able to do intra-row weeding. Our experts in robotics were responsible for the detection of weed based on camera ...

Are we at a tipping point with weed control?

Imagine walking the cereal aisle at your favorite grocery store. Are you reading labels? Scanning prices? Thinking about weeds? If you're like most American consumers, weeds probably aren't at the forefront of your mind when ...

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