Related topics: space weather

NCAR powers up renewable energy forecasts

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), building on a pioneering wind energy forecasting system that saved millions of dollars for Xcel Energy customers in eight states, has entered into a new agreement with ...

Researchers discover how wildfires create their own weather

Scientists working close to the line of wildfires are obtaining a new understanding of the fires' smoke plumes. The results are providing real-time information, such as vertical wind profiles, to firefighters battling blazes.

Antarctic fur seals breed where they were born

Scientists have discovered that female Antarctic fur seals have an uncanny ability to return to within a body length of where they were born when it's time to breed.

A NASA weather 'Eye in the Sky' marks 10 years

For 10 years, it has silently swooped through space in its orbital perch 438 miles (705 kilometers) above Earth, its nearly 2,400 spectral "eyes" peering into Earth's atmosphere, watching. But there's nothing alien about ...

From rain to flood

Extreme weather events such as thunderstorms, heavy rainfall and resulting floods, influence Earth and environmental systems in the long term. To study the impacts of hydrological extremes holistically—from precipitation ...

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