Related topics: space weather

Effects of solar flares arriving on Earth

(AP) -- The impact of a series of eruptions on the sun began arriving at Earth on Friday and could affect some communications for a day or so.

NASA identifies the areas of Tropical Storm Muifa's strength

The strongest thunderstorms that make up tropical storm Muifa are on the storm's eastern and southern sides, according to infrared imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite. The northern side is being weakened by a nearby weather ...

Satellite video shows Tropical Storm Beatriz fizzle in 6 hours

Satellite data from NASA and NOAA showed that Tropical Storm Beatriz went from a strong tropical storm to a remnant low pressure area in six short hours after running into Mexico's western mountains. An animation of imagery ...

NRL instrument provides key space weather data

Data products from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) developed by the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department and Space Science Division were officially transitioned for use in operational systems at the Air ...

NASA mission seeks to uncover a rainfall mystery

Scientists from NASA and other organizations are on a mission to unlock the mysteries of why certain clouds produce copious amounts of rain. In a field mission that is now under way, aircraft are carrying instruments above ...

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