NOAA's GOES-U completes thermal vacuum testing

NOAA's GOES-U, the final satellite in the GOES-R Series of advanced geostationary environmental satellites, recently completed thermal vacuum (TVAC) testing as part of a rigorous assessment program to ensure the satellite ...

World on fire: How do we adapt to a hotter planet?

Researchers around the globe agree: the Earth is getting warmer and warmer, extreme weather such as heat waves and long droughts increase the risk of wildfires. The group Wildfires in the Anthropocene at the Pufendorf Institute ...

Europe's all-new weather satellite arrives at launch site

After a two-week voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, the ship transporting the first Meteosat Third Generation satellite docked at Pariacabo in French Guiana and the precious cargo unloaded. Now safe and sound in one of the ...

Video: New weather satellite on its way to launch

The final pre-launch preparations for the first Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite are under way. The first satellite, called MTG-I1, built by a European industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space carries two ...

Image: UK heat wave

This summer, heat waves struck Europe, North Africa, the U.S. and Asia with temperatures reaching over 40°C in places—breaking many long-standing records. Images from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission show the scale of ...

When and why did humans start using tombstones?

As grave markers, tombstones offer a focus for mourning and commemoration. Typically made of stone and usually engraved with the deceased's name, date of birth and death, they also often carry inscribed tributes. They've ...

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