Related topics: weather

Video: European satellite captures lightning strikes

The first ever satellite instrument capable of continuously detecting lightning across Europe and Africa has now been switched on. New animations from the innovative 'Lighting Imager' confirm the instrument will revolutionize ...

For kids on summer break, Canada's wildfire smoke hits hard

For many Canadian parents, the start of the summer holidays is turning into a headache, as thick wildfire smoke forces them to check air quality indices the same way they might normally check the weather forecast.

Space missions set to improve solar storm forecasts

Satellites launched into outer space could send back improved warnings of dangerous solar storms thanks to a breakthrough in the way scientists use space weather measurements.

New weather satellite reveals spectacular images of Earth

Europe's latest weather satellite, the Meteosat Third Generation Imager, has just delivered its first view of Earth—revealing conditions over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic in remarkable detail.

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