Related topics: light

Image: Hubble views a massive star forming

This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is teeming with color and activity. It features a relatively close star-forming region known as IRAS 16562-3959, which lies within the Milky Way about 5,900 light-years ...

Image: Hubble captures globular cluster NGC 2298

This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope view shows the globular cluster NGC 2298, a sparkling collection of thousands of stars held together by their mutual gravitational attraction. Globular clusters are typically home to older ...

Engineers improve NASA lidar tech for exploration

Lidar technology improvements will help NASA scientists and explorers with remote sensing and surveying, mapping, 3D-image scanning, hazard detection and avoidance, and navigation.

NASA's new greenhouse gas detector moves closer to launch

A state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer, which will measure the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide from space, moved closer to launch this month after being delivered to a clean room at Planet Labs PBC (Planet) in ...

Searching for the universe's missing teenage pictures

Astrophysicists can use measurements of the cosmic microwave background, radiation formed 380,000 years after the Big Bang, to understand what the universe was like in its infancy. And by observing light emitted from galaxies ...

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