Solar fuels as generated by nature

( —Society's energy supply problems could be solved in the future using a model adopted from nature. During photosynthesis, plants, algae and some species of bacteria produce sugars and other energy-rich substances ...

A tree may have the answers to renewable energy

Through an energy conversion process that mimics that of a tree, a University of Wisconsin-Madison materials scientist is making strides in renewable energy technologies for producing hydrogen.

Improving the cost and efficiency of renewable energy storage

A major challenge in renewable energy is storage. A common approach is a reaction that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen, and uses the hydrogen as a fuel to store energy. The efficiency of 'water splitting' depends heavily ...

Insights from nature for more efficient water splitting

Water splitting is one of the critical reactions that sustain life on earth, and could be a key to the creation of future fuels. It is a key in the process of photosynthesis, through which plants produce glucose and oxygen ...

Building better catalysts for splitting water

( —The dream of a hydrogen economy—a world run on H2 gas, free from the pollution and politics of fossil fuels—may depend on developing an energy-efficient strategy for splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen. ...

An improved, cost-effective catalyst for water-splitting devices

By replacing platinum with molybdenum in photoelectrochemical cells, scientists from two EPFL labs have developed a cheaper and scalable technique that can greatly improve hydrogen production through water splitting as a ...

Team sheds new light on solar water-splitting process

With the help of a new method called "dual-electrode photoelectrochemistry," University of Oregon scientists have provided new insight into how solar water-splitting cells work. An important and overlooked parameter, they ...

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