Air Fuel Synthesis shows petrol from air has future

(—Petrol from air at first glance from this week's headlines, claiming scientists have turned fresh air into petrol, looked as if this was yet another over the top claim about a killer solution to solve the environmental ...

An underground mozzie that postpones its blood feast

( -- A secretive and exotic species of mosquito, found across much of Australia, has revealed a new twist on the insect's famous 'blood-sucking' reputation to researchers at the University of Sydney.

Jellyfish inspires latest ocean-powered robot (w/ video)

American researchers have created a robotic jellyfish, named Robojelly, which not only exhibits characteristics ideal to use in underwater search and rescue operations, but could, theoretically at least, never run out of ...

Miniaturized power modules for aircraft bodies

Aircraft maintenance can be time consuming and expensive. It is much simpler if the airplane itself reports, where maintenance is required. The best solution is an approach for the sensor network, which even provides its ...

Rogue wave recreated in laboratory tank

( -- A team of researchers have used a mathematical equation to create a so called "rogue" wave; the giant kind that appear out of nowhere in the open ocean to topple ships and drown their crews. Using one solution ...

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