Related topics: water

The unintended consequences of dams and reservoirs

An international team of drought scientists reports that many dams and reservoirs can paradoxically worsen water shortages they're intended to alleviate. The study is published in Nature Sustainability.

Greater flexibility for growers needed during droughts

A report, recently published by Cranfield University and the National Farmers Union (NFU), highlights the benefits for water users of more flexible mechanisms to access water during dry periods.

Traditional methods of farming in a dry climate

Forest and brush fires, water shortages and crop failure – these have been the effects of summer 2018 in large parts of Europe. Climate scientists are calling for new agricultural policies, saying farmers need to prepare ...

Where to place a rainwater harvesting system

On any given day, Zoubaida Salman instructs a classroom of 15-year-olds at the Sur Baher Girls School in East Jerusalem, where she has served as the science teacher and Environment and Health Coordinator for the past 22 years. ...

Europe sizzles in heatwave as wildfire hits Portugal (Update)

Europe sweltered through an intense heatwave on Sunday, with soaring temperatures contributing to forest fires, the closure of nuclear plants and even a threat to the Netherlands' supply of potato fries, although some countries ...

Image: Sweden in flames

With Europe in the grip of a heatwave and little rain, the scorched ground and dry vegetation is succumbing to fire. Fires have now broken out as far as the Arctic Circle, in Sweden. This animation shows images from the Copernicus ...

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