Deep-eutectic solvents replace polluting industrial solvents

Many polluting solvents used by the chemical industry can be replaced by an amazing new mixture of two powders: 'deep-eutectic solvents' (DES). This next generation of solvents are sustainable, much less flammable, not volatile ...

New insights on graphene

Graphene floating on water does not repel water, as many researchers believe, but rather attracts it. This has been demonstrated by chemists Liubov Belyaeva and Pauline van Deursen and their supervisor Grégory F. Schneider. ...

A new anti-frost and anti-fog coating for glass

In an advance toward glass that remains clear under the harshest of conditions, scientists are reporting development of a new water-repellant coating that resists both fogging and frosting. Their research on the coating, ...

Cotton with special coating collects water from fogs in desert

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) researchers together with researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), have developed a special treatment for cotton fabric that allows the cotton to absorb exceptional ...

Glass that cleans itself

Eyeglasses need never again to be cleaned, and dirty windscreens are a thing of the past! Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz and the Technical University Darmstadt are now much closer to ...

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