Kosovar biologist calls newly found insect after coronavirus

Kosovar biologist Halil Ibrahimi believes the pandemic restrictions haven't all been bad—as a result of them, he completed his research, raised public awareness of the pollution of river basins and named a newly discovered ...

New blast at St. Vincent volcano; cruise ship helps evacuees

La Soufriere volcano shot out another explosive burst of gas and ash on Friday as a cruise ship arrived to evacuate some of the foreigners who had been stuck on a St. Vincent island coated in ash from a week of violent eruptions.

Hong Kong's fragile coral reefs boosted by 3D printing

In jade waters off Hong Kong's eastern shoreline, scientists are thrilled to spot a cuttlefish protecting her eggs inside an artificial, 3D-printed clay seabed helping to restore the city's fragile coral reefs.

Scientists discover 30 new species in Galapagos depths

An international team of marine scientists have discovered 30 new species of invertebrates in deep water surrounding the Galapagos, the Ecuadoran archipelago's national park authorities announced Monday.

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