Amazon oil spill in Ecuador was 6,300 barrels

An oil spill caused by a ruptured pipeline in Ecuador's Amazon region leaked almost 6,300 barrels into an environmental reserve, according to information provided Wednesday by the company that owns the conduit.

Thar she blows! An expert's guide to whale watching 101

There's no doubt about it, seeing a whale rise from the depths of the ocean is something special. Whether it's the first time you've seen a whale or you've seen many like I have, it's the thrill of hearing and sometimes smelling ...

Muskrats as a bellwether for a drying delta

The muskrat, a stocky brown rodent the size of a Chihuahua—with a tail like a mouse, teeth like a beaver and an exceptional ability to bounce back from rapid die-offs—has lived for thousands of years in one of Earth's ...

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