Satellites' lasers reveal changes in Earth's water movement

Understanding climate change and its effects on humans, animals, and natural spaces requires studying Earth as a whole, interconnected system. Water movement on Earth, in particular, is a process that affects everything from ...

Researchers test physics of coral as an indicator of reef health

Vast amounts of energy flow around the ocean as waves, tides and currents, eventually impacting coasts, including coral reefs that provide food, income and coastal protection to more than 500 million people. This water movement ...

Tiny swimming creatures can create big currents in lake water

Lakes are usually pictured as tranquil environments, largely uninfluenced by the enormous tidal power which drives the oceans. But the surface winds that act upon lakes can significantly alter the environment in which many ...

When good plants go bad

A study out of the University of Florida offers a comparison between introduced species that attempt to outcompete native plants within an ecosystem and certain native plant species that mimic that behavior to create similar ...

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