Unexpected fish and squid found in the Central Arctic Ocean

Single individuals of Atlantic cod and squid occur much further north than previously expected. Scientists participating in the international MOSAiC expedition with research icebreaker Polarstern have found fish and squid ...

2D nanomaterial MXene: The perfect lubricant for rovers

You can lubricate a bicycle chain with oil, but what do you do with a Mars rover or a red-hot conveyor belt in the steel industry? Very special nanomaterials have now been studied by the TU Wien together with research groups ...

Tracking oxygen in the Sargasso Sea's 18-degree water

Off the eastern coast of the United States in the Sargasso Sea, the Gulf Stream and its associated ocean currents create a thick, homogeneous layer of water that stays around 18°C year-round. Since its discovery in the late ...

Coated zinc sulfide nanoparticles are catalytically active

Ideally, a pigment should be resistant to corrosion under light irradiation—especially to UV radiation. It should also retain its white color in the long term. Today, the industry has already achieved all this with zinc ...

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