Rediscovering sound soil management

At the same time that demand for food is soaring along with the world's population, the soil's ability to sustain and enhance agricultural productivity is becoming increasingly diminished and unreliable.

Listening to Earth breathe through 500 towers

It takes a global village to monitor and analyze trends in Earth's "breathing" -- or the exchange of carbon dioxide, water vapor and energy between vegetation on the ground and the planet's atmosphere.

Water still has a few secrets to tell

( -- We are used to thinking of water as a substance with relatively few secrets left. Its basic structure has been studied by high school students for decades, and water is considered essential to our survival, ...

Robotic clam digs in mudflats

To design a lightweight anchor that can dig itself in to hold small underwater submersibles, Anette (Peko) Hosoi of MIT borrowed techniques from one of nature's best diggers -- the razor clam.

Water acts as catalyst in explosives

The most abundant material on Earth exhibits some unusual chemical properties when placed under extreme conditions.

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