Related topics: surface · water · clouds

Ice heating up cold clouds

In the Arctic, competition within clouds is hot. The small amount of heat released when water vapor condenses on ice crystals in Arctic clouds, which contain both water and ice, determines the cloud's survival, according ...

Designing ice repellent materials

Materials that actively repel water and ice very strongly are sought after by the aviation industry and for many other technical applications. ETH researchers have now found out how to specifically design the rigid surfaces ...

New periodic table of droplets could help solve crimes

Liquid droplets assume complex shapes and behave in different ways, each with a distinct resonance—like a drum head or a violin string—depending on the intricate interrelationship of the liquid, the solid it lands on ...

Sizzling sound of deep-frying reveals complex physics

Experienced cooks can determine when cooking oil has reached the right temperature for deep-frying by inserting moistened chopsticks in the hot oil. Bubbles form on the sticks and the sizzling sound they produce can tell ...

Cloud in a box: Mixing aerosols and turbulence

When it comes to climate change, clouds are the wild card. Atmospheric physicists at Michigan Tech use a turbulence-generating cloud chamber to better understand the details and droplets.

Water droplets prefer the soft touch

( —Researchers have found a way to drive water droplets along a flat surface without applying heat, chemicals, electricity, or other forces: All that's required is varying the stiffness of the surface in the desired ...

Researchers kick-start ancient DNA

Binghamton University researchers recently revived ancient bacteria trapped for thousands of years in water droplets embedded in salt crystals.

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