Stony corals: At the limits of adaption?

Corals fascinate amateurs and experts alike: small polyps that extract calcium carbonate from seawater and use it to build their elaborate skeletons. But climate change, with rising water temperatures and increasing ocean ...

New method simultaneously measures flow and oxygen

An international research team headed by the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Aarhus University and the Science for Life Lab in Uppsala has developed tiny particles that measure the oxygen concentration ...

Advancing tissue engineering with shape memory hydrogels

One of the primary goals in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine is the development of artificial scaffolds that can serve as substitutes for damaged tissue. These materials must ideally resemble natural ...

Why do sharks dive?

Is it to regulate their body temperature? Conserve energy? Find food?

A simple recipe for MRI contrasts up to four times higher

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) makes internal body structures visible. However, before humans or animals are put into the "tube," they are injected with a contrast agent to make visibility possible in the first place.

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